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General Banking


At this moment London Bank intends not to serve General Banking products until 2010 rather we will concentrate on our main products in Global Business Banking.

London Bank is not the every one’s bank, it is a very distinctive bank for the distinguished people. Niche marketing is not our policy, we promise to keep our distinctive feature all through.

As world economic pattern is changing and growing number of middle class people in the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia, Far East and Latin America are getting higher in a considerable extent. Keeping this in mind, London Bank would offer a product mix with the respective countries traditional perception and cultures.



• Hybrid Account

• Current Account

• Money Tree

• Property Finance

• General Finance

• Car Financing

• Professional Package


• Global Citizen Account

• Savings Account

• Green Life Account

• Commercial Property Finance

• General Insurance

• Yacht Financing

• Ladies Package


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